Friday, April 24, 2015

You should save water

You and other people think, who cares about saving water?  But it does matter. If we don’t save water we can lose a lot of it.   People in the U.S. use 70 gallons of water a day in their bathtubs. All those flushes down the toilet lead up to 20 gallons a day. We lose 10 gallons of water from leaking taps and toilets.  Nearly 60% of household footprints include water used in lawns and gardens. Most front-loading washer machines are energy water efficient using 20 gallons for each load. As you see the more water you use the less other get.
We are lucky that we have water in the U.S. but other countries don’t have water. There are many people in the world that keep wasting water and if they keep wasting it there will not be enough water in the world. Leaking taps and toilets waste water and over a long period of time that adds up.  The average water used at home in San Diego is 588 gallons each day indoors and outdoors.  While some poor countries in Asia and Africa experience with living with no water!  As you can see from these reasons, people in the U.S. use a lot of water every day but we can help.
                If you want to help the environment, you should help save water.  Check on all faucet and toilets to fix leaks.  Take faster showers.  Also you should shut off the water when you brush your teeth.  If you want to soak in a bath, you should fill it half way.  If everyone in the U.S. flushes a toilet one less time a day you would save enough water to fill a lake a mile wide.  These examples I am telling are ways you can save water. 

                This is what I do to save water.  Also you can do it to.  I can put containers outside to catch water instead of the faucet.  I turn off the taps well and check the toilets and make sure I can’t hear water running.  I can take shorter showers so I can save water.  I don’t waste water, I save it by using rain water for my plants.  I told my sisters to not waste water by filling the pool.  These details I told you are of what I did to save water.  You can save water by doing what you want to do to save water.  

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